Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Happy silent day (hari raya yepi)

Get Inspiration From reading Novel


I read this novel and I got inspiration to draw this picture…

The Haven is a great novel by Graham Diamond. This novel is consisted by three parts, part one is titled The Coming of The Master, the second part is Game of Skill and Cunning and the last part is From Darkness to Light. This book has 347 pages and Thirty five chapters. Well, I think this novel is very good one, it can bring me to the place where it was told on that story. I feel that the language that is used is quite simple although there are many strange words that I do not understand even I never have faced before but I do understand the story. The story that is shared in this novel is a fiction about the battle between men and dogs. This tale tells the reader about the future time when the human is not the only one creature that control the world but the dog who had been just as a pet hade came to revenge to the men.
The haven was a great empire of men that were remaining on that time. It was located in the valley within the thick forest that was considered as the endless forest. There were many great men who gave their live for the Haven. Delon was the elder in the council and he was a wise leader. Desmon was a great captain he had a good skill at fighting. Besides that there was also Nigel who was very clever and wise and he was considered as the young Lord. But not far from that valley there were something that terrified the men all the time that was the dog’s empire. The problem arose when The Dogs had found their new Master “Tolland” he was the fiercest dog that had ever existed.
Tolland desired to defeated all others dwellers in the forest and he wanted to mastered the whole world under his feet. All men in the Haven had realized that their colony was in danger, soon or letter the dogs with their new master would come and destroy their empire. Nigel who was the smart one though that people in Haven should do something to survive the Haven from the dogs. One thing that Nigel believed was people in Haven could move to other place that was safer and far from the dog. But many men did not believe there was a safe land, they believed the forest was endless and it meant no way out. But Nigel kept stay on his belief that somewhere should be a Freeland and the forest was not endless.
Meanwhile there was also one empire that was worry about the dogs, there was a wolf empire. Although wolves were the cousin of the dog but the wolves had different though. They knew that the dog was not a good creature. The dogs won’t let any empire survive unless they kneeled on the dog’s feet. Then the wolves’ king Dinjar decided to made alliance with the men in haven. At first men were doubt about making alliance with the wolves but at the end the men could receive the alliance with the wolf empire. And start from that time men and wolves were a good friend.
Nigel had decided to made a trip to seek a new land and that plan was allowed by the elder Elon. Nigel went to the forest with the best troops. And the troops wouldl be leaded by the Captain Desmon the best soldier in the Haven. Besides that the wolves and the parrot also come along with Desmon to accompany Nigel to find out the new land.
Everything was done, all preparation were sat for the most dangerous expedition. Actually there had been one expedition with the same mission before it but that mission was failure and none of the men on that expedition came back to the Haven. And on that day the same mission would be done. And Nigel believed this mission can be completed.
The Nigel’ band went through the tick forest where there were many unfriendly dwellers such as bats, snakes, bears and of course dogs their big enemy. And that expedition also not easy although they realized it even before they enter the forest. Some of the soldiers were killed in the forest. Some of them were killed by the snake, some others killed by the giant bear or sunk in the muddy soil. But the expedition should be continued. Nigel, Desmon and Hector the captain of wolves with the remaining soldiers kept going to seek new land.
While Nigel struggle in the thick forest to find out free-land there was a huge war between Haven and the Dog’s empire. The wolf’s king Dinjar had joined the Haven’s troops to fight the dogs. The Haven sent Sean their best soldier that was remained to lead the army. They tried to stroke the dogs before the dogs did it to the Haven. The dogs were surprised by the attack and the men and the wolves could pull the dogs back. But it was not for a long time the situation turned back and the men’s army was in trap after all. It was not a good idea to attack the dogs at their own cave. And the dogs were winning on that battle. Sean the brave soldier and Dinjar the king of wolves were dead. It was the saddest day for haven and the wolf empire. They had lost their best soldiers.
After walking so long Nigel and his band found the land. They were very happy not only that Nigel also found some books in the ruins and he believed that place was the place when their ancestor lived long time ago. Nigel wanted to discover more books because he believed by reading those book they could resolve the problem in the Haven so he decided to stay for more days in that place. But Desmon did not agree with Nigel he ordered Nigel to came back home because he argued that the mission was had been completed, the free-land had been found. But Nigel refused he kept stay with his will to discover more books. At the end Desmon allowed Nigel to stay longer but he ordered that Nigel would be accompanied by Hector the wolf and some soldier. And Desmon with the others soldiers will came back to Haven.
When Des arrived at Haven the dog’s soldiers were outside the wall of the Haven. It meant that the Dogs had begun their march to defeat men. Des with his soldiers did not enter the gate freely and easily but one soldier dead on the battle with the dogs. But the Haven was happy on that time, by the arrival of Desmon it was like rain after a long dry or it was like find the bright after walk in the darkness. Then Des told everything about their journey to the Haven and it made all people in Haven happier because free-land had been discover and the forest was proved not endless. Not only that he also told the elder that Nigel still in the free-land to learn more about the ancestor of the Haven. After Des arrival Elon the elder of Haven gathered all great soldiers and council, Delon gave them the plan to defeat the dog. The plan was like what had written in the book that was by giving the enemy the gift. The haven would give the huge dog statue to the Tollan as the sign of surrender and respect to the dog’ empire. And inside the big statue would be made a space where soldiers could stay inside and when the statue was accepted by the dog and placed in the center dog’s camp those soldiers would go outside and attack the dog immediately.
The statue was finished then it was dragged to the dog’s camp by some soldiers. The dogs were amazed by that gift because that was a great statue it looked like so lively. Although they realized it should be something tricky behind that gift but Tollan accepted that gift. He promised to the all dogs that it would not change the plan to attack the Haven. But the plan was not run in a good way, the statue was not placed in the center of the camp. And it made the attack was difficult to be done as a plan.
After discussing the soldiers in side the statue decided to attack the dogs at that night. While the men and the wolves attacked the dogs that was something terrifying happened. A huge thunder and a fire ball were flying from the sky and exploded destroy all dog’s camp. All dogs even Tollan the master were afraid of that thunder and fire ball. There were explosion everywhere no thing is left. Des and other soldiers did not know what was happened but they knew those thunders and fireballs were not their enemy but those huge powers seemed to destroy dog’s army. On that war the master of dogs were killed by Rolf the brave soldier but he also dead on that war. Desmon was wounded by the dog but it did not kill him.
The war was ended and the dogs were destroyed. Haven and the wolves as the winner but it was still mystery for Desmon how could there were a huge thunders and fire balls attacked the dogs. He was still puzzled. And the answer was Nigel. The thunder and fire ball were Nigel learning result. Nigel with some soldiers in the ruin found the others books and on that book they found how to make those thunder and fire ball. Nigel also found a powder that could explode when it was lit. And by the guidance from the books he made some experiment and he succeeded make a great weapon to destroy the dogs ‘empire. That answered the Des puzzle and he understood why Nigel wanted to stay longer in the ruin. And that was the end of the story, the peaceful fulfilled the Haven and also the wolves.
I think this story gives me much inspiration and also teaches many things to me. One thing that important is about friendship and cooperation. The wolves and the men decided to cooperate to fight the dogs. By cooperating each others they could be stronger. The writer I thing has a great imagination and great idea. The point that I could catch is this story happens in the future but men lose their technology and live simply. The dogs that before just pets come as the greatest enemy of the men. And by the strong will and belief of one young lord (Nigel) they could find the great technology from their ancestor in the ruins in the free-land where their ancestors lived. Nigel knew what happened with their ancestors. They were destroyed because of a great war but it was not war with the dogs. It was war between men. Men used their technology to attack others men. From this side I can catch one wise point that is about knowledge. Sometime knowledge and technology not only can give a benefit to the human but if that knowledge was not used wisely it could destroy human.
OK. That is my opinion about The Haven, but I really recommend you to read this novel because it is so amazing…